Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is your service area?
A: There is no extra service charge for homes and businesses within a 50 mile radius of the Capitol building. There is a $25 fuel surcharge for areas within a 50 to 100 mile radius of the Capitol.
Q: How long will the Air Duct Cleaning take?
A: A typical home of 1500 to 2000 sq. feet will take approximately six hours. This may be more or less if there are any special considerations, or customer requests.
Q: Do I need to do anything to prepare for Air Duct Cleaning in my home?
A: Purchasing a new furnace filter is recommended. Our service personnel can install the filter as part of our service after air duct cleaning has been preformed. We can also obtain and install a filter for you. We will also go over a check list before the service is preformed so you know what to expect.
Q: Will Air duct cleaning reduce my home energy bills?
A: Research by the U.S. EPA has demonstrated that HVAC system cleaning may allow systems to run more efficiently by removing debris from sensitive mechanical components. Clean, efficient systems are less likely to break down, have a longer life span, and generally operate more effectively than dirty systems.